Saturday, January 14, 2012


I just watched this show on TV and learned alot more about the Republican candidates for President. They brought up a good point that ALL Americans should listen to: We need to win over Obama,as this is the most important election. If Obama remains in office, he will DRASTICALLY worsen our country...whatever remains of it!
~Pay attention. Compare candidates. VOTE!
There are several candidates who had good answers tonight. Gov. Perry gave a good summarization and answered questions well...but needed to not interrupt the questioners...
Sen.Santorum was GOOD...he has a good heart and appears very honest and concerned.
Speaker Gingrich knows the DC area. I sometimes wonder if he is sincere --in his regrets for the Nancy Pelosi ad campaign in the past,for example.
Gov. Huntsman: he just doesn't look honest/sincere in my opinion...he appears harsh and elite, like Gov. Romney.
If you care to share an opinion, please feel free to do so! Thanks for reading this.